From Ashes to Bone
Limbo, Peckham

From Ashes to Bone presents work from Alice Kasahara Macrae and Tabitha Weddell. Both artists’ work explores the nature and possible processes of ceramics through sculpture. Ceramics are made with forgaed clay and glazes using ashes from plant, shell and bone matter. Both artists’ work focus on utility within sculptureas ceramics are covering, holding and protecting.

Install shot

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Joy The Protector 2024
3min 43seconds
Soundtrack - Alba Schloessingk @albot10100
Filming + edit - Reuben Davies Lindley @rrddll
Ceramics, costume + movement - Tabitha Weddell @wabithateddell @_wabitha_

Fences 2024
wax, terracotta, plant + wood ash glazes
Tabitha Weddell